Friday, September 6, 2019

Lies Safe and Sound

I'm posting a number of drawings from a booklet I made a few years ago titled The Airwaves Goodbye.  It contains a number of short works that orbit around the production and reception of recorded music. Those themes are the veneer, anyway. It is probably more accurate to say they're surrogates for reflecting on the differences between having one's head in the studio and having it elsewhere, out in the open. If that's too abstract, I'm happy to consider these as a collection of poems for roadies, and sound engineers. Rock and Roll's support staff need poems just like everyone else.

Thick Skin for Thin Crowds

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Traveler and His Shadow

"Traveler and His Shadow" taken from Roof Slates and Other Poems of Pierre Reverdy, translated by Mary Ann Caws. Boston: Northeastern University Press (1981).

Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Incomplete

This is my adaptation of a prose poem by Michel Fardoulis LaGarange

The Incomplete

During that time we went to the poorly lighted back room of a bookstore. There, we labored to decipher ancient inscriptions on the eroded walls.

By doing so we hoped to enrich or supplement the knowledge we had already gained from conventional books.

The wall's writing referred only to the rudiments of archaic reading. There was a notably absence of long passages.

In that feeble light, however, the ongoing relationship between ourselves and the studious atmosphere of the room was enough to revive volumes of words, spelled by erased letters.